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Character Notes -
Violet is a third generation alchemist daughter of Tessa who became a famous healer in the town of Miragon. She wanted to help as many people as she could and because of the rising tension of hatred towards mages, and because people didn't bother to tell the difference between mages and alchemists, she joined the Crimson Knights. The Crimson Knights protected her from anyone like that and she became the most gifted Alchemist that the Knights had. Because of this she was able to meet the man behind the Crimson Knights, Sebastian, during his trip to Port Drake. When Micheals men attacked she helped the Party out as much as she could and was very greatful to Cade for saving her life. Since that time she joined Sebastians personal enterage because he needed help on some of his more difficult projects. Since then she has traveled around on his personal Airship in luxery. She has been using her scientific knowledge and abilities in Alchemey to read and decode some ancient books that Sebastian needs to understand the Gates. Violet is always happy to see Cade and when she heard that a group of adventurers came through the Gate that they were studying she knew that Cade had to be among them. After seeing Cade and hearing what happened to one of their members she put her all into researching some help that she could give the poor Dio. Her patient reminded her of a little kid, almost like her little brother. When Cade came back from a successful mission to talk to her she was more than happy to give him a few potions that she made especially for Cade but had been keeping them safe for awhile until she was able to meet him again. However she wanted to give Cade her greatest creation yet, but was dissapointed to be unable to finish it in time for a present for a successful Crimson Knight mission. Perhaps she will be able to give him a present during the 'Renewal Festival' During the night of the festival Violet went to the ball to look for Cade but was too sheepish to approach him and instead stood half hidden behind a pillar. Unfortunitally that was the same time that Lucian Devereaux decided to join the part. Violet tried to run but as she saw him taking down her fellow Knights like it didn't matter to him her legs wouldn't move. As Lucian's eyes met with hers she wanted to run, to scream, to do anything but her body failed her. As Lucian's cleaver came down at her all she could do was close her eyes. Hearing the clank of metal on metal she slowly opened up her eyes to see that Dio had just parried the attack. Cade quickly ran in behind and grabbed her arm to get her to saftey. Lucian and Dio then both left the party and when Violet realized that Cade was going to follow she gave him her troll's blood potion for protection and a kiss for good luck. "Please survive this Cade I still haven't given you your small present." From the destruction of Lucian's wake Violet went from body to body like a ghast bobbing up and down over the dead bodies on a battle field. Violet wanted to save everyone that she could but was finding another dead body after another only able to save a few of them who got hurt from the falling debris. Cade ran back into the ballroom and surprise Violet, a good surprise. Cade helped her finish up and then followed Violet back to her room. With everything that has been happening recently, and the fact that Cade usually finds himself in the middle of it she knew that she had to give it to him as soon as she could. After meeting Cade she wanted to give him something more then just an ordinary potion and with the help of her mother's notes she was able to construct it for him. Violet knew that her mother, Tessa, was a much better Alchemist then her but with the help of the family line she was finally able to build it. All Violet could do before she handed the sack over to Cade was to thank him for everything that he had done. With what Sebastian had planned Violet spent all of her free time to create as many alchemetic items and potions as she could before their advance on Micheal. Standing before it Violet felt overwhelmed as it would be the first time that she would travel through it. As Sebastian activated the Gate she couldn't help but think that it looked like a small pond that had fairies dancing accross its surface. She saw everyone else enter and knew that she had to wait, just a little, because she was only support. They opened the Gate again a few minutes later for her to finally step through and Violet was surprised at the battle that was happening only a few feet from the Gate. She saw Enutrof dying on the ground and quickly lept into the battle to help out. After the battle and Sebastian's arrival Violet and Alminster started to setup a base camp for them to use. Since Moray was killed in the earlier battle they didn't know where Micheal escaped to. But, Charisma did have some friends in the forest who might know of his location so the Party left leaving Violet and the Crimson Knights behind. In Preperation of the upcomming battle Violet put her full attention on brewing some more potions and creating a few new alchemetic items. By the time Graven arrived back at camp to tell Sebastian where Micheal's Castle is she had already made two of her 'Fireblast' potions. Violet was really proud of the 'Fireblasts' because they had the same destructive force of a fireball in a nice small bottle ready to be released when the glass breaks. She was not used to so much exercise and got tired of walking very quickly but Violet pushed herself so she wouldn't be left behind. When they were almost at the castle the Party intercepted the Knights to give them a warning that Micheal had set a trap at his castle and was expecting them. Violet was happy to see Cade again and went to see how he was doing as the Knights started to make camp. But, Sebastian had other plans as he ordered his knights to stay behind as he went to battle Micheal along. The Party along with Kevrin, Celine, and Alminster followed directly behind telling everyone else to stay until they were needed. Violet pumped her crazy legs to catch up with Cade and everyone else. When Violet saw the hundred troops charge in to attack she was quick to get into action by drinking her improved invisibility potion. She scaled one of the archer towers with her slippers of spider climbing so she could drop off one of her new presents. The 'fireblast' incinerated the archers' nest throwing a few of them out and killing them all. Violet knew she wasn't a front line fighter and instead kept those tactics up until her invisibility wore off almost ten minutes later. By that time the shield golems were causing some heavy damage to everyone. When she saw that Kevrin was knocked down Violet ran in to see what she could do to heal him while Celine protected them both. Violet was able to wake Kevrin but Graven was far from her ability to heal. As Cade and the others came running out of the chapel she helped Kevrin up so they could all run out of there just in time to not be hit but the magical explosion. After Sebastian told the knights to follow him Alminster approached Violet telling her to pack up all of her things because they needed to leave, now. Violet didn't have long to say good luck to Cade, she didn't say good-bye because she knew they would see each other again. Violet dropped a final gift in Cade's pocked before she left with the Crimson Knights. Arriving back to where the keep was Violet stood in disbelief at the crater that now occupy the area. Without any bodies or blood it was hard for her to believe that over a hundred knights had just lost their lives as a final retaliation by Micheal. |
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