Character Notes -
Elly had a rough childhood since she is one of the few remaining full-blooded sorceresses. Rescued by the leader of the resistance she used her Inherent powers to allow her to comprehend any spoken or written language. Along with her form altering powers she has gone on many covert missions saving many lives. Because she is so valuable Clive was assigned to protect her. She grows more fond for Clive each each day that they travel together because he is always so kind to her. After the the battle with Innster they found out some important information which Clive needed to get to someone very quickly so Elly was left in the care of the Party until Clive comes back. She was then able to use her powers to help out the party when Micheal's men attacked Port Drake but has since to be re-united with Clive and continues to help out the Party anyway she can. After being brought to the city of Harfein Elly has changed slightly and she seems to be more determined then ever now, but determined for what is unknown. She asks many questions about Harfein: why its there, how long its been, what they do and other questions. So far, since the party was dropped off of the Airship, Elly has been more or less keeping to the sidelines. However after the Dunnealgate incodent her curiosity got the better of her and she started to inquire about Harfein, the Party, and what they are doing. Soon after she was taken from the Party because of misunderstanding by Charisma and was then reunited with Clive. In the Swamp of Dispear she got hurt by the swarm of Skeletons that attacked the Party and fell when Barrel-lith dove down at the Party releasing a stream of acid. She was rescued from death by Clive when he came to help her after she was knocked down the Swamp of Dispear by Barrel-lith. After that inncodent she finally realized her true feelings for Clive. She wanted to tell him at the right time how she felt so she waited until after Charisma left. But, Clive was quick to leave the Party soon after they entered East Cameron to search around the outskirts of the town. The two hours that they were there went so quickly that she didn't realize that Clive wasn't beside her until she entered Mataichi's circle. She turned around to call out Clives name but soon realized the fraility of her actions when Micheal detonated his magical bombs destroying the town of East Cameron and Clive along with it. Elly fell down to her knees weeping at the thought of going on with her life without Clive. Since then she has been focusing all of her anger on getting revenge on Micheal for Clive's death. Elly felt a lot of compassion towards Diana because of how Micheal treated her. Elly then almost blew her top when Micheal sent Diana up on a neuce. What Elly yelled at Micheal, after he said that he was different from them in that he IS better: "You're Not Better Than Anyone! In fact I've seen hundreds of you poor little lost boys striking back at the world that hurt you. Get over it, Life's hard. You just have better toys then all those other children, but that's all you are, A CHILD!" Since the Party came through the Gate to the Crimson Knight's camp Elly found out that they were less than a day north of Edgewater, which is very close to Miragon. Wanting to tell Nicholas personally what happened to Clive and of his brave sacrifice she choose to travel directly toward Miragon and to not stay with the Crimson Knights like some of the Party did. Finding some rogues along the way who called themselves Rebels Elly got very angry and asked Kai and Enutrof to help her out defeating their leader, Python. Before, when the Rebels were one group it was expected that Python would be Nicholas's successor, however Elly always found him to be a very creepy person and never accepted any of his advances. When Clive recieved the mission to protect Elly Python went ballistic and with his hatred splintered the Rebels into two groups. At first Elly thought that she traded one pervert for another until she found Clive's true nature when he risked his life to protect her at every pass. Because of his kind heart and his determination Elly fell in love with Clive but was never able to tell him since she is five years his senior and Clive is one of the sons of the leader Nicholas. After they exited through the Gate into the Crimson Knight's camp Elly felt uneasy at her closeness to Longenous. She also knew that she had to get to Nicholas to tell him about Clive and she was joined by Kai and Enutrof. However during their journey to Miragon they found that the splinter group of rebels had been attacking caravans in the area. Elly pleaded with Kai and Enutrof to help her stop Python from doing anymore harm to the people. They were able to track them back to a small keep which they used as a base. They were able to sneek into the second floor and fight Python directly. With the aid of spells they were able to take Python down. However they were surprised to find his body missing after they left it along for only a minute. With that behind them they arrived at Miragon. Elly was sad to deliever the news to Nicholas but was also proud at the way Clive always tried his hardest even to his last. When Rose came down to the rebels with some news about Python, with whom she talked to earlier in the day, Elly was able to read Rose's surface thoughts to learn that Rose was telling the truth even though there was something else that she was hiding. On the night of the festival the Party went into the Crimson Knight's castle while Elly waited patiently outside across the street. Seeing all of the little children running around Elly's spirits rose slightly as she realized that even though a few of them might be lost what they were doing was helping thousands if not millions of people including these children. It was a little disheartening that she would never be able to have a child with Clive. That was when the ground opened up as some bulettes broke through and started to attack everyone. Elly wasn't strong enough to help and could only stand back watching these beasts kill all of these people as some of the Crimson Knights came in for defence. She was then cornered by one of them and was dropped quickly to be revived not that long after by Kai. Elly became overjoyed as Clive made his dramatic entrance by fallen from the sky to land right between her and a persuing bulette. Elly stayed to the back as Uber-Xenio landed on the ground easily taking care of Kai who she helped pull out of the fight along with Celine. Clive gripped Shadow's Bane tightly as he charged directly at Uber-Xenio slicing him up good before being slammed three times and dropping to the ground. When Elly saw that she ran right to Clive without fear or hesitation even though he was lying near Uber-Xenio. She grapped Clive and dragged him away from the action. Unable to do anything more then bandage Clive's wounds Elly felt as though she is completely useless to him and cradled his body in her arms. Luckily Cade had some ointment after the right which was able to heal up Clive's wounds and revive him. After Myr and Enutrof visited Nicholas's house Clive decided to join the Party with their attack on Micheal. Elly understood why Clive wanted to travel along because he wanted to protect her from the dangers of the world but she also wanted to protect him. Pacing around the house all day Nicholas finally understood her worries and asked her to make a delivery for him saying, "I know how you feel and I know that Clive feels the same way. He just wants to wait until there is no more danger for you. In my experience that will never happen and you two have waited long enough. I think you understand what I'm getting at, you have my blessing." With those words of encouragement Elly left to deliver the package. As she walked through the Gate the first thing that she saw was Clive whose face lit up when he saw her, but of course he couldn't admit to it. Clive was worried about her and asked why she came to such a dangerous place as Elly approached Clive and presented "Shadows Bane" to him. It was the same sword which Nicholas, Clive's father, used all those years ago starting around the begining of the Mage War. Clive knew its power and hear of the stories from his father and accepted the sword from Elly. She joined the Party and followed then to the Hullack Elves to find out the location of Micheal. The Elves used some sort of sleep spell on the Party and took them to the top of the trees where the new village now was. Even thought all but Myr were basically outcasts and not allowed anywhere but their 'guest quarters' it was a very serene place to be at. When the Demons attacked the village by comming from the Gate Elly followed Clive into the battle not wanting to leave his side. Elly protected him with spells and the last of her potions. Fighting back to back and side to side with Clive made a special bond between the two. After the dilema with the demons Clive finally told her his true feelings. Even after all of this death they could find their love and decided to have a wedding this morning. They approached Shorin to tell him that they wanted to have a true elvish wedding to which he responded that he would be happy to have them wed together. As the new day dawned Elly and Clive kissed for the first time as a couple. The entire elven village joined in the celebration to both commemorate the dead and give praise to the future. As mid-day came along the Party left to travel towards Micheal's Castle since Graven already left to tell Sebastian about it. They arrived two days earlier then Sebastian's army and decided to scout around the area. The drawbridge was down and there were no patrols around because Micheal was waiting for someone to come after him. When the reinforcements arrived Elly followed along with Clive as the entire Party followed Sebastian as he walked towards Micheal's Castle leaving all of his men waiting for him. Micheal didn't pull any punches as he used Shield Golems to absorb any damage that he would recieve and an Iron Golem to charge through the group. Clive unsheathed 'Shadows Bane as he walked out to meet the Iron Golem which seemed to be invulnerable. Elly wouldn't leave him now and did what she could to help Clive by eletricuting the golem with a lightning bolt to slow it down. Clive started to take a beating from the beast as a few well placed punches started to break his bones. Elly couldn't let him die, not after what they've been through and started to heal his wounds anyway that she could. Among some other things she used some healing potions and oils to patch up Clive's wounds. Clives took his last few swings toppling the beast of a golem almost on top of him as Elly pulled Clive to saftey. She ran from the Castle right before it was taken off of the map but the only thing she cared about was that Clive was safe as she looked over at him. Clive looked back at Elly and gave her a broad smile saying, "All that matters is that you are safe." |