"A Bridge Divided" a dungeons & dragons 3rd ed campaign

33 years old
Human Male
Royal Mage
5'10" (156cm)
black hair
brown eyes
The Duke had such high praise of his power that he even had Vichorn start to teach students in his own Tower
Threat High
Grand Viseer of Port Drake
no religion
Long Sword
Royal cloths
- notes - Vichorn proved himself to be a trustworthy magic user when he used his power to defeat a demonic creature that was attacking the duke's carriage. Untrustworthy of mages the duke still gave Vichorn a chance to prove himself, which he was able to do time and again by helping the duke and people of Port Drake. He was given many gifts from the Duke for everything that he did including the title of Grand Viseer of Port Drake, making the since unknown Vichorn a near right hand man of Duke. When Micheal's men attacked the Castle Vichorn was killed by the PCs after Dio 'infected' him and he was taken over by the purple puss.