"An unknown message; a mysterous friend"
page 2 'Orcs in Ruins'
part 2 of 3
Dio healed the PCs from the damage they recieved
and they decided to check out a door that they saw 15 feet off of
the floor in the middle of the wall. When they entered the large
room they were ambushed by the Old Man and some Orcs. The Old Man
got hurt and retreated back to some friends who entereded the room.
The PCs took down a few more Orcs scaring the Old Man and Young
Man who retreated back through the door.
The PCs had the entire basement to themselves so carefully creeping
up the stairs they tricked some Orcs so they could surprise then
and kill them quick, which they did. Sneakily moving through doors
they came upon the dining hall where two Orcs were looting, these
Orcs were able to alert others. So the PCs made a dash for the front
doors, which had a handful of Orcs with Lita guarding it.
with Orcs comming through the door they just used and Orcs in the
next room they're cornered
or are they....