"A Fly on the Windscreen"
page 11 - 'A Message to Deliver'
Croc's Crossing came under the protection of the Crimson Knights
after they were alerted to the misdealings of Innster. Because of
the party's actions the Crimson Knights were able to protect the
town. But with all of their leads up in flames the road ahead lay
to the north towards Brandywine. Clive and Elly needed to stay behind
a little longer and were planning on meeting the party a few days
later in Brandywine. The party along with Celine then left Croc's
Crossing, after making sure to pack up on some healing herbs.
Traveling on the road for only four days the party encountered no
problems until not too long before sunset, and before the party
knew what was upon them, A Wyvern dropped out of the sky from almost
nowhere. Letting out a deep roar the party's horses reared up and
everyone went on the defensive. Only a minute later the party was
being helped by a group of soldiers who used net-launchers and bola-launchers
to ensnare the wyvern before it could harm anyone. The soldiers
were Crimson Knights and their leader Kevrin Songblade offered the
party sanctuary for the night at their camp which was not far away.
The Crimson Knights' camp had a few dozen pitched tents along with
other fellow travelers who were warming themselves by a large bon-fire.
The most curious thing was that the Knights seemed to have caught
many critters and are storing them in cages. It didn't take long
for the party to then get an audience with Kevrin, who heard of
what they did in Croc's Crossing. Hearing of their abilities Kevrin
asked them to help him with a problem that he had. A Troll that
they tried to capture no too long earlier escaped after killing
some knights and Kevrin needed the party to track it down and bring
it back alive. Of course trolls have a habbit of not easily dying
so the party was allowed to do anything but burn it. Kevrin explained
that they used these creatures for their alchemedic needs, "because
troll's blood can be used for a very potent healing potion that
my soldiers can use," he told them. He even offered two of
those fowl smelling, but useful, potions to the party to help them.
Not too long after midnight, as they were searching for the troll,
they spotted a fire burning inside an ruined structure and decided
to investigate. Slowly approaching they found that there was a traveling
dwarf by the name of Berlin who was camping there for the night.
He offered them some heat from the fire and a body to converse with.
Berlin offered his insights on the Crimson Knights after the party
inquired about it. "I'm traveling north through Dunnealgate
towards Ceartree (which is a kingdom farther to the northeast)",
he told them, "and cutting a trail accross the plains cuts
weeks off my travel besides with what I heard was happing north
I wouldn't want to be traveling on the roads right now." Berlin
continued, "besides i don't trust those Crimson Knight's all
that much. You see they don't seem to believe in any diety and they
seem to pass that onto everyone who they protect. Don't misunderstand
me they don't seem to be evil or anything, just their beliefs seem
sort of strange and they don't seem to have many dwarves, gnomes,
and elves in their ranks."
After the conversation the party decided to continue looking for
the troll and found it sooner then they hoped,It jumped out of the
trees not far from Berlin's place. Berlin pulled out his main defence,
two Atmose pistols, and fired them at the troll, missing. But after
reloading Berlin actually did some damage after piercing the trolls
body with a Atmose bullet. Berlin then escaped before Cade could
ask him about his pistols.
The party, however, was not faring too well against this humoungous
10 foot tall Troll. It easliy through Celine hard against a tree
and tore up some of Enutrof's flesh before the party started to
make some damage on it. Little by little the Troll was slowly being
worn down while Cade tried to annoy it the most since he had the
easiest time of avoiding the Troll's attacks. Unfortunitally for
Cade the Troll was able to get a hold of his arm with a critical
breaking it along with some ribs as the troll tossed Cade's lifeless
body to the ground. From Celine's hidding place only feet away she
saw Cade drop in front of her and even though she was near death
she jumped out to give Cade one of the untested potions that Kevrin
gave them. Cade poped up to life gaining power life popeye after
he was given the potion. With the parties second wind they were
able to keep enough of themselves active long enough to win. After
breaking his shortsword, Enutrof was able to critically strike the
Troll with his Long Sword and drop it on the spot. After some basic
healing, the party tied the troll up and dragged it back towards
the Crimson Knight's camp to get their reward treasure for this
hard kill.
While the rest pulled, Cade traveled on the troll's back stabbing
it through the ropes with a shortsword every couple of moments so
the troll wouldn't come back to life.