-What was there
It was around the year 996 when Darwin and his companions first came across Harfein-Tor.
They were traveling from the south up through the Talocian mountains and were
able to kill the Gnolls that occupied the ground level and the large clan of Minotaurs
that traversed the halls underneith. Upon traveling further north they took refuge
in a very old castle, Harfein, that also happened to be the home to a very annoyed
white dragon, which they were able to finish off.
- How the people got there
Harfein was later used to hold the some five hundred soldiers that Darwin camped
there. He then left with his companions to make an attack directly into the heart
of the Augustine empire hoping to take out Logenous, who was one of the mage's
who started the war. Harfein was suppose to be the place that built a bridge from
the prosperous past to the future.
- Harfein's Leadership
The people of Harfein kept its location a secret for many years only initially
helping local tribes for trade of food or esentials. With the Spiritual Guidence
from Moblick(human) and Leadership of O'Neill(Dwarf) they were able to build the
Castle into something respectable while reaching out and helping travelers and
nearby towns (not just for trade), they also started a secret (from the rest of
the world) trade&info route. This information route lead to the discovery that
something was comming, something very old and very evil.
- Harfein's People
Now both Harfein and Harfein-Tor are occupied bases with either the original soldiers
or the offspring of those people living there. Also a few outside travelers were
allowed in on the secret and allowed into the castles, only after much background
checking. The original Mixture (give or take)
__70% Humans
__18% Dwarves
___9% Elves
___4% others
- Harfein's Current Population
There are about 800 people in Harfein Castle and 300 people in Harfein-Tor with
only 4 dozen people able to use any type of magic. A council of three (Moblick
the Human Cleric, O'Neill the Dwarven Ranger, Pandora the Grey Elven Sorcerer)
govern over Harfein with the five best fighters controlling any immediate actions
at Harfein-Tor.