"A Bridge Divided" a D&D 3rd edtition campaign

Flip through the book back to page 18 End of Chapter
Chapter 4
" One Step Forward, Three Steps Back "

page 19 ' A Falling Angel With The Final Pebble '

The Party were able to get some rest during the night and decided to check around the area before going out. So Cade took Myr's raven out with him as he snuck through the grass and up a tree so he could release the raven to check around. Raid, the raven, checked over the hill and Cade was about to check the other direction when Myr and the rest walked out to tell him that a camp was found. Enutrof and Conti circled around the east side with Cade and Raid circling from the west as Kai moved through the trees in a direct route. They were able to find out that these guys, although dressed very plainly, seemed to be the same ones who they saw in East Cameron, Micheal's men. As Myr and Elly were waiting back at the cave enterence Moray snuck up behind them grabbed Elly and placed a gun to her head telling Myr to drop his weapons and give up.

Cade was already comming back to the cave as Myr sent his raven to warn Kai. Cade, unfortunitally, didn't have any warning and came up behing Myr about to warn him of what was happening until he saw Moray and his three flunkies, all with rifles. With some pecks on the shoulder and a short flight to near the cave Kai was able to pick up on what was happening when he saw everyone down there. Moray sent one of his men to check inside the cave and another one up the hill to warn the camp. As soon as Enutrof heard the yells he cocked and realeased an explosive arrow right into their camp taking out four of them and hurting another three. Not ever wanting to see a weapon pointed at a ladies head Kai jumped from the tree falling down trying to stun Moray, he didn't. But he was able to hit Moray with enough force that he lost his balance. Cade went for his crossbow to shoot at one of the riflemen as Myr Slept another one. The man that was checking the cave came out to report that no one else was there and then joined the fight by dropping Myr's life by more than half. Myr then unloaded a bunch of magic missiles at the rifleman who was comming back. That was when Moray regained his composure and demanded that they stop and surrender, the Party of course said no. So in response Moray doubled a lightning bolt at Elly, Cade, and Myr, with Cade the only one missing his reflex save.

Near the camp Enutrof cast a 'vine' spell to slow down the movements of everyone in that camp. He then was able to release a few arrows dropping a couple of the hurt men. The returned fire and hurt Conti and slightly Enutrof so Conti decided to start moving around so she could close in. Enutrof agreed but as she was halfway around Enutrof got hit by three arrows, even from his half hidden posistion, and fell down. Conti saw this and returned to him double quick. She knew that they had to get out of their so she grabbed Enutrof in her mouth so she could drag him away from danger. Some more bullets whizzed by her head until she was finally hit. Not wanting to let go of Enutrof she tried even harder but was hit a few more times. When Micheal's men caught up they decided that a large plump Dire Wolf would be tasty so they buried a half-dozen more shots into her to make sure she was dead.

Kai was able to tumble away from the guys and run away with only a graze on the shoulder. Kai was able to make it some three hundred meters away before he realized that Micheal's men weren't chasing him anymore. As he was turning around to return and follow them he accidently tripped on a large rock. That was what he though until he turned and saw what he tripped on, Berlin's body. It seems that the dwarf had been there for no more than a week, robbed of all of his posestions. But Kai had no time for that and had to return.

After chaining Elly, Myr, and Enutrof to the back of the wagon he tied Cade up and threw him into the wagon along with Conti. Cade attempted to heal her but then realized that she was already to far gone. When Moray and his men camped for the night they skinned Conti and had dire wolf meat for a meal. Even with some five men guarding the Party Kai was able to run up and cut Cade down from his upside down perch on the tree. Kai suffered a few wounds but was able to run off with the halfling in hand. With that action Moray got angry and quickly packed everything up including the rest of the Party on the cart and started to move away. Kai and Cade followed and Kai used his pistol to do gurilla tactics on the guys shooting one of them with the pistol. Moray realized who it was and threatened Myr's life by pumping him full of magic missiles and knocking him out and down. "in like seven minutes your friend will bleed to death. Give up and I'll save him. Cade and Kai knew that there was nothing that they could do, but Kai still tried anyway. He first tried to bargin with Moray by saying untie everyone and we'll go peacefully, which didn't work. He then used the spy orb to contact Micheal, who was even more persistant that they give up and cut communications short when Kai tried to bargin again. Cade knew Myr didn't have much time left and surrendered to Myr would be saved. Soon after Kai came out of the woods to give up.

Cade, Elly, Enutrof, Kai, and Myr were all tied in the cart as they saw the first glimpse of some high stone walls surrounded by a moat, Micheal's castle. Moray uncahined them and put the Party into what seemed to be a make shift jail. It was one large room with guard standing another floor up waiting for a chance to use their rifles. Cade wondered over to some of his halfling friends to see what was happening, the one halfling told him that it was good to be small, you're never picked first." With that Moray walked in on the second floor followed by Micheal who examined the crowd pointed to the Party and said, "Them. All of them". the halfling leaned over, "Unlucky for you that you weren't even here for a night."

Micheal had them line up to exit when another prisoner tried to exit instead and was shot down for his troubles. Outside Micheal approached the Party, with some goons to back him up. "Walk with me," he said as he started to walk east, "I know who you are. You're from 'The End of the World', right? You see I know that because I had a few of your friends as guests not too long ago. It was a little rude of them to have left so quickly. Then even procurred my wagon and some horses, so rude. And because of them I'm going to have to do something that I never thought that I'd need to do." Micheal continues, "But that aside, we were in the middle of signing an alliance between the two of us when they left. so, I'm hoping we could pick up where they left off. So I'm going to put you in a more exclusive room because all I want to know is where is the location of 'The End of the World'." The Party pleads ignorance as Micheal leads them into his four story tower. That was until Kai told Micheal that all he needed to do was click his heals together and say 'there's no place like home'. With that Micheal nodded to Moray who released the pit where the Party fell twenty feet down. As the grating is pushed over the lid of the hole Micheal looks down and says, "Why don't you stay here and think it over. Oh and say hello to your roommate for me and then understand how serious I am."

Everyone's eyes turned to one corner of the cell where they saw a human girl who is clutching her legs and gently sobbing. Elly approached her and when she saw how ragged this girl was Elly mended her cloths to give her some decency. Kai said hello and asked her name, Diana was her answer. The Party asked why she was there and she told them, "I used to be Micheal's lover, he wasn't always like this but over time he changed. I got more scared of him as each day passed. When a band of adventurers (Rend, Aisa, Zanz, and Profit) were brought here by Micheal I saw my chance for freedom for me and my child. But Micheal shot me down and they left without me, they I found myself here. He keeps asking how I could betray him and saying how I must be punished." Diana then looks up to see the long tube that reached out to the sky. A little bluebird landed on the upper lip, "I envy the birds, they can fly anywhere they want. She likes to perch their and sing so I named her Melody."

Because there were guards watching them the Party was unable to do anything until noon the next day when Micheal came for them. Unlocking the cell he used levitate on them to raise all of them out of it. Micheal then walked outside with the Party, getting separated from Diana, and over to a beautiful black stallion. "Beautiful Stallion isn't it?" asked Micheal, "Nice main, great teeth, and very strong," he finished as he slapped it on its ass. Kai saw that he had tied a rope to the horse with the other end attached to Diana's neck so he quickly jumped at it to grab the rope and slow the horse.
Elly screams out, "You bastard! Don't, let her down!"
Micheal replied that he would which suprised Elly until he continued, "Just tell me where 'The End of the World' is."
Elly screams with some tears starting to come, "I don't know! She hasn't done anything, let her down!"
Micheal raises his hands high, "Hasn't down anything my dear girl?" his voices raises in pitch as he continues, "She has betrayed me, her god! She is my JUDAS. And its all because of you people at 'The End of the World'. We could have worked together against our common enemies, but NOOOOO you think that you're so high and mighty, untouchable, and better than everyone else." Diana continues to wiggle on her neuce as Kai tries to cut the ropes with karate chops.

Cade looked up at Micheal, "Isn't that what you're doing thinking that you're better . . ."
Micheal intterupts, "No, I am better. You just think that you are." Kai is able to cut the rope that he then grips hard on so he can gently lower Diana down.

Elly starts to get very angry as he blood starts to boil and she lets it out, "You're Not Better Than Anyone! In fact I've seen hundreds of you poor little lost boys striking back at the world that hurt you. Get over it, Life's hard. You just have better toys then all those other children, but that's all you are, A CHILD!" Elly then looked over to see Diana lowered to the ground so she ran over only to be stopped by some of Micheal's men. Kai was able to tumble around them to get to Diana to check to see if she is alright.

"I'm sick of this," said Micheal, "No one escapes punishment kill her!" With that Kai grabbed up Diana and started to run as the bullets started flying. Two struck Kai before he got around the corner behind a building. He put Diana down and saw that she was hit by one of the bullets, after checking her pulse he found her dead. He then jumped up to a roof to get away from all of the guys chasing him down.

Micheal looks at the rest of them and states, "I loved Diana more thatn anything and look at what I did to her, just because she betrayed me by releasing some of your friends. I have no feelings for you and right now you're in my way so think about what I'll do to you." He looks over at Elly who is being brought back, "Now I believe that she was telling the truth that she didn't know anything. So tomorrow she'll be punished then the next day I'll choose another one of you and the day after until I get my answers. Last time I relied on your compassion for others, this time I won't make that mistake." Micheal then had them led back to their hole for a cell. Kai jumped off the roof walked over to Micheal tried to punch him and missed. Micheal made a sword appear and in two swipes took Kai down. Kai was then placed with the rest of the Party after he was healed back to barely being awake. The Party tried to think of some ways to protect Elly including sending Myr in her place after she altered her form, but to no avail.

Noon rolled around again as the sun could be seen directly above the Party and like he promised Micheal came back. Like before he trotted them out into the central square so everyone could watch. As Micheal made his speech to his men about those who are against him will be stopped the drawbridge lowered then the porticullis raised up. In walked ten of Micheal's men with a prisoner. Their eyes filled with black oil as they explained that they found this traveler in the woods and brought him to Micheal. The whole time Dio had been looking over at one of those Gate Portals that sat on the eastern side of Micheal's castle. Like being drawn to it Dio started to walk off. "Keep your prisoner in line," yelled Micheal. The men told Micheal, "He's not our prisoner. He's our Master," right before they pulled their rifles up and started to fire at Micheal and his men. Dio's slaves took down a couple of Micheal's men as they took down nearly half of them.

The Party saw their only chance to escape and Cade ran down to the south-east side to the cart that had all of their stuff. Dio approached the Gate lifed his arms and circled then around. Some dark lightning came streaming from his hands to the Gate which lit up. A large pool of swirling water formed in the center of the Arch and Dio started to walk towards it but not before Kai could jump through. Seeing their only exit Enutrof, Cade, and Elly packed the boxes on top of each other as she cast levitate on them so all three of the chests could easily be pushed through the Gate.

An array of colors and flashing lights assaulted their eyes and senses as they tumbled along their path. Suddenly light as they were thrown out the other end to roll around and crash into each other. Under the pile Kai's jar of Saki comes rolling over to him so he grabbed it and took a big swig. The Party saw someone standing in front of them and as they raised their eyes up they saw it was a man wearing a toga. Dio's started to clench his teeth as his anger started to rise. When they finally reached the top of his six foot one inch figure they saw his blond hair and recognized his face.
Looking down at them Sebastian says, "Kill them all!"
Session on Saturday January 31st, 1 - 6 pm page 19